Often described as “the most important meal of the day” we explore the different ways people around the world say the word “breakfast.” In this fascinating exploration, we’ll delve into the rich tapestry of languages, uncovering how individuals from various cultures express the concept of this morning meal. From the romantic cadence of French to the melodic tones of Mandarin, each language adds a unique flavour to the word “breakfast.” Join us on this global culinary adventure as we learn how to say “breakfast” in 100 different languages.
How to Say “Breakfast” in Various Languages
- Spain (Spanish): Desayuno (deh-sah-YOO-no)
- France (French): Petit déjeuner (peh-tee day-zheu-NAY)
- Germany (German): Frühstück (FRÜÜ-shtück)
- Italy (Italian): Colazione (koh-laht-zee-OH-neh)
- Brazil (Portuguese): Café da manhã (ka-FEH da man-YAHN-ya)
- Russia (Russian): Завтрак (Zavtrak)
- China (Mandarin): 早餐 (Zǎocān)
- Japan (Japanese): 朝食 (Chōshoku)
- Saudi Arabia (Arabic): صباح الخير (Sabah al-khayr)
- Bangladesh (Bengali): টিফিন (Ṭiphina)
- Greece (Greek): Πρωινό (Proino)
- Ancient Rome (Latin): Prandium (Prahn-dee-um)
- Israel (Hebrew): ארוחת בוקר (Aruchat boker)
- Indonesia (Indonesian): Pagi (Pah-gi)
- Iran (Persian): صبحانه (Sobhaneh)
- India (Hindi): नास्ता (Nāstā)
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- Slovakia (Slovak): Raňajky (Rahn-ay-kee)
- Czech Republic (Czech): Záhorka (Za-hor-ka)
- Philippines (Filipino): Pagkaon sa Buntag (Pahg-kawn sah Boon-tag)
- Malaysia (Malay): Pagi (Pah-gee)
- Pakistan (Urdu): صباحی ناشتہ (Subha ka nashta)
- Finland (Finnish): Rannarutiin (Rahn-na-roo-teen)
- South Korea (Korean): 아침식사 (Achim siksa)
- Indonesia (Bahasa): Sarapan (Sah-rah-pahn)
- United States (English): Breakfast (BREK-fust)
- Ethiopia (Amharic): ስለዋል ለብርድ (Selwāl lebūrd)
- Georgia (Georgian): საუბარი (Saubari)
- Slovenia (Slovenian): Zajtrk (Zahy-terk)
- Hungary (Hungarian): Reggeli (Rej-ge-lee)
- Philippines (Cebuano): Bufetáron (Boo-fay-ta-ron)
- Tamil Nadu (Tamil): காலை உணவு (Kālai uṉavu)
- Mongolia (Mongolian): Өглөөний цай (Öglööni tsai)
- Belarus (Belarusian): Завтрак (Zavtrak)
- Slovenia (Slovenian): Zajtrk (Zahy-terk)
- Puerto Rico (Spanish): Desayuno (deh-sah-YOO-no)
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- Armenia (Armenian): Զարգավարություն (Zargavartuyun)
- Serbia (Serbian): Доручак (Doručak)
- Poland (Polish): Śniadanie (Shnyadanie)
- Yemen (Arabic): أغلى وقت لتناول الطعام (Aghla waqt litanawul alti’am)
- New Zealand (Maori): I te ata (Ee teh ah-tah)
- Zimbabwe (Shona): Huchi (Hoo-chee)

- Philippines (Ibanag): Pagkaon sa Buntag (Pahg-kawn sah Boon-tag)
- Tanzania (Swahili): Chakula cha asubuhi (Cha-koo-la cha ah-soo-boo-hee)
- Ghana (Akan): Ntontom (En-tohn-tohm)
- Pakistan (Punjabi): ناشتا (Nasta)
- Russia (Chechen): Мииганвмит (Miiganvmit)
- Ethiopia (Oromo): Itinnaa (Ee-teen-naa)
- Ancient Rome (Etruscan): Prandium (Prahn-dee-um)
- Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz): Коса (Qosa)
- Ethiopia (Tigrinya): ቀንዲሙ (Qe’ndimu)
- Pakistan (Sindhi): چهاڻيڪ (Chāṇik)
- Iran (Kurdish): ژینگەرە (Zingere)
- Ivory Coast (Bété): Kwacathulo (Kwa-kath-lo)
- Namibia (Herero): Moningkinitan (Moh-ning-kee-ni-tan)
- Georgia (Abkhaz): Аиауааа (Aiawaaa)
- South Africa (Xhosa): Nomsaqa (Nomsa-ka)
- Zimbabwe (Shona): Moning (Moh-ning)
- Canada (Inuktitut): Pingasunnguaq (Pin-ga-soon-guak)
- France (Breton): Devezh mat (Deh-vezh mat)
- Iran (Balochi): ئەتری (Etri)
- Zimbabwe (Chibarwe): Māramu (Mah-rah-moo)
- Zambia (Lozi): Ntama (Nta-ma)
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- Nigeria (Yoruba): Ifítò (Ee-fee-toh)
- South Africa (Zulu): Kumnandi (Kum-nan-di)
- Ethiopia (Gedeo): Mwililizatu (Mwil-iliz-a-tu)
- India (Kannada): ಮರಮಗೆ (Maramege)
- India (Marathi): निमित्त (Nimitta)
- India (Sanskrit): पान (Paana)
- South Africa (Afrikaans): Ontbyt (Ont-bate)
- Iran (Luri): هنانه (Hana-na)
- Ukraine (Ukrainian): Сніданок (Snidanok)
- Philippines (Ilocano): Burendo (Boo-ren-do)
- Pakistan (Saraiki): اڄڻيت (Uc’chhiṭ)
- Iraq (Assyrian): ܚܘܼܒܪܵܐ (Khoo-bra)
- Canada (Cree): ᑭᒋᓐᑌᐳᑎᑦ (Kichiwihtipit)
- Pakistan (Waziri): ناشتا (Nasta)
- Tajikistan (Tajik): Сабзавар (Sabzavar)
- Mexico (Nahuatl): Tlacatlauhcatl (Tlah-cat-lauh-catl)
- France (Occitan): Menuèja (Me-new-eya)
- Iran (Gilaki): تِیام (Ti-am)
- Peru (Quechua): Rimanchuwan (Ree-man-chu-wan)
- Ukraine (Crimean Tatar): Çişkan (Chish-kan)
- Iran (Zoroastrian Dari): زاهانی (Zahani)
- Afghanistan (Pashto): چۆنیهت (Cho-ni-yat)
- Iran (Gilanese): صباحانه (Sabahane)
- Tajikistan (Yaghnobi): Ayyomi (Ay-yo-mi)
- Iran (Talysh): بؤیون (Boyun)
- Australia (Australian English): Brekky (Brek-kee)
Benefits of Learning How to Say “Breakfast” in Different Languages
- Cultural Appreciation: Learning how to say “breakfast” in different languages allows for a deeper appreciation of various cultures. It provides insight into the diverse ways people across the globe approach and express the importance of the first meal of the day.
- Global Connection: Knowing how to say “breakfast” in multiple languages fosters a sense of connection with people from different parts of the world. It enhances communication and encourages cross-cultural understanding, breaking down linguistic barriers.
- Personal Growth: Exploring languages broadens one’s horizons and promotes personal growth. It challenges the mind, expands linguistic skills, and encourages a more open-minded perspective towards diverse customs and traditions.
- Culinary Exploration: Learning about breakfast in different languages can lead to culinary exploration. It may inspire individuals to try diverse breakfast dishes, sparking a culinary adventure that goes beyond one’s cultural comfort zone.
- Educational Value: The process of discovering how breakfast is expressed in various languages is an educational journey. It exposes individuals to linguistic nuances, historical influences, and the evolution of language within different communities.
- Communication Skills: Acquiring the ability to say “breakfast” in different languages improves overall communication skills. It may facilitate interaction with people who speak those languages and contribute to effective cross-cultural communication.
- Promotion of Diversity: Understanding and respecting linguistic diversity is crucial in promoting a global environment that celebrates differences. Learning how to say “breakfast” in different languages is a small but meaningful step toward fostering inclusivity.
- Cognitive Benefits: Language learning has cognitive benefits, including improved memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. It uniquely engages the brain, promoting mental agility and flexibility.
- Social Connection: Being able to share a word like “breakfast” in various languages can create social connections. It serves as a conversation starter, allowing individuals to share their language knowledge and learn from others.
- Fun and Enjoyment: Lastly, the process of discovering how to say “breakfast” in different languages can be enjoyable. It adds an element of playfulness to language learning and cultural exploration.
In short, our language adventure showed how cool it is that people all over the world have different ways of saying “breakfast.” We found out that every language adds its own special touch to this important meal. Whether it’s a word we know or something totally new, each way of saying “breakfast” tells a story about the people who use it.